Billy Goat Plum - Combretaceae Terminalia ferdiandiana
Family: Combretaceae
Genus: Terminalia
Species: ferdiandiana
Eatable Part: Fleshy Fruit
Height: 10 Meters
Habit: Tree
Habitat: 0W
This is a very common plant across the savanna woodland of northern Australia. It grows to 6m (average) and forms a nice layered canopy. It is ready around April and has recently become very popular due to it's high vitamin content and preservative properties, with broad oval leaves.. It is commercially harvested or collected in remote community small businesses.
Tasting Notes
The fruit can be eaten straight from the tree and is ripe when it falls to the ground. It has now been commercialised and is quite commonly sold as a powder.
Growing at Home
Propageted from seed.
Tropical Australia