Milky Plum - Proteaceae Persoonia falcata

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Family: Proteaceae

Genus: Persoonia

Species: falcata

Eatable Part: Fleshy Fruit

Height: 5 Meters

Habit: Tree

Habitat: 0W, MW

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Tropical Australia


This is a common plant in the open woodland across the Top End. It has beautiful yellow flower spikes and fruits at the end of the year, when the rains have begun. It is a small tree with a small round fleshy fruit, loved by both people and our native fauna.

Tasting Notes

The fruit is fleshy, small and round, it is green with a yellow tinge when ripe, but soft. In the centre is a small seed. The flesh is milky, which gives it the common name. Often the pulp is smashed up for those old and yound with less teeth. It is faily sweet and a little juicy.


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