Fern Leaf Grevillea - Proteaceae Grevillea pteridifolia

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Family: Proteaceae

Genus: Grevillea

Species: pteridifolia

Eatable Part: Flower

Height: 8 Meters

Habit: Tree

Habitat: 0W, MW, Riverene / SFR, Sandsheet / Flood Plain

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Tropical Australia


This beautiful Grevillea is very common in the Top End. It is a spindly tree with "fern like" leaves and particularly found in the sandy areas of floodplains or on the edge of sand dunes. It's orange flowers are covered in nectare mid dry season and enjoyed straight from the tree.

Tasting Notes

The flowers when full of nectar are enjoyed by humans, taken from the tree and sucked or added to water- cold and slow steeped or into hot water to make a delcious malty sweet tasting drink!


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